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The official version of iOS 17.4 is coming

‘Battery Gate’ behind Apple’s iOS 17.4 update: Is the second-hand market in trouble ?

Recently, Apple’s i0S 17.4 update was officially launched, accompanied by a wave of enthusiastic upgrades from users. This update may seem normal, but it hides a far-reaching “electrical floor door” incident. Especially for the second-hand market and maintenance industry, this may be a earth-shaking change.

There have always been many black technologies that are eye-catching. For example, through small operations, the health of the mobile phone battery can be directly refreshed to 100%. This operation seems magical, but it actually takes advantage of a loophole: when replacing the battery, keep the original battery protection plate, and then plug in the new battery core. In this way, the mobile phone system will think that the battery health is 100%, so the second-hand market The price will go up.

However, Apple’s update doesn’t seem clumsy. It is reported that iOS 17.4 has fixed this vulnerability, causing previous operations to no longer work. This makes the bosses in the second-hand market anxious, and the maintenance technicians are also facing a challenge. The days when it was easy to make huge profits seem to be gone forever.

For users, whether to upgrade has become a tangled question. On the one hand, the functional updates of new systems are always attractive, but on the other hand, this fix brings certain troubles to personal repairs and second-hand purchases. Whether you’re willing to accept such a change may depend on the trade-off between functionality and price.
However, it must be said that this repair is also a positive action taken by Apple to protect the interests of users. After all, what users buy is not just a mobile phone, but also trust and expectation. Therefore, even if it is black technology, it cannot violate the principle of integrity.
However, the world of science and technology has never lacked surprises and rescues, just like an endless adventure. Perhaps, the next black technology has already quietly arrived, waiting for people to discover it, so let us wait and see. Let’s see whether this “Battery Gate” incident is just the beginning, or another major turmoil in the technology world.